
Agricluster Objectives

The added value of the cluster for each of its members is reflected by the evaluation of its goals. In order to facilitate this assessment, objectives are divided into quantitative and qualitative ones:

Quantitative Objectives

Quantitative goals of Agricluster are translated into specific numerical indicators on the impact of the cluster towards its members, which will be specified in its first years of operation.

Suggested Qualitative Assessment Indicators
1. Cluster size (total number of members, number of organisations that joined the cluster)
2. Number of services provided to members
3. Annual funding amount
4. Increased turnover for Members
5. Increased Members’ employment
6. Number of Projects collectively undertaken by the cluster
7. Number of cluster actions (events, Working Groups, publications, etc.)

Qualitative Objectives

Qualitative objectives concentrate on the development of Agricluster as an example of best practice and a benchmark for the development of innovative technologies in the field of agricultural development. Evaluation of these objectives will signify a qualitative assessment of Agriculuster’s overall impact on agricultural innovation, as well as on the wider society.

Suggested Qualitative Assessment Indicators
1. Qualitative comparison with other clusters
2. Qualitative assessment of the implications from the Projects that have been completed by the clus-ter
3. Qualitative assessment of the actions of the cluster (events, Workshops, synergies with other clus-ters)